Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Rigging_Attach the controller to splineFK (description only)

The easiest way to put the calv controller I found is
- put your calv controller to the shoulder joint then group the controller itself
- change the pivot point of the group to the shoulder joint
- calv joint orient constrain the group of calv controller
- freeze the C_calv (so the rotate will be the same as calv joint)
- delete the orient constrain
- point constrain C_calv by shoulder joint (so the C_calv will follow theposition of Shoulder joint)
- C_calv orient constrain the calv joint (so C_calv can orient the Calv joint)

- no translate on that

Rigging_easy way to put Calv controler (description)

The easiest way to put the calv controller I found is
- put your calv controller to the shoulder joint then group the controller itself
- center pivot the group
- calv joint orient constrain the group of calv controller
- freeze the C_calv (so the rotate will be the same as calv joint)
- delete the orient constrain
- point constrain C_calv by shoulder joint (so the C_calv will follow theposition of Shoulder joint)
- C_calv orient constrain the calv joint (so C_calv can orient the Calv joint)