
the Mel
global proc tMel()
if (`window -query -exists yeGUIWindow`)
deleteUI yeGUIWindow;
windowPref -remove yeGUIWindow;
//main window with menu
window -menuBar 1 -menuBarVisible 1 -s 1 -t "yeTools" -rtf 1 yeGUIWindow;
menu -label "File" ;
menuItem -label "save all buttons" -command "yeSaveButton";
menuItem -label "load buttons" -command "yeLoadButton";
menuItem -divider true;
menuItem -label "close Window" -command "yeClose";
menu -label "button Size" ;
menuItem -label "large" -c "goXL" ;
menuItem -label "Small" -c "goXS";
menu -label "Help";
menuItem -label "there is no Help yet";
menuItem -label "I am trying" -c "yeOpen";
//Windows and buttons
//columnLayout -adjustableColumn true;
frameLayout -collapsable 1 -l "" yeFrame;
columnLayout yeColumn;
rowColumnLayout -numberOfColumns 2 -columnWidth 1 150 -columnWidth 2 350 yeRowColumn;
textScrollList -selectCommand "yeSelectItem()"
-deleteKeyCommand "yeDeleteIt()"
-doubleClickCommand "yeGetAll"
-manage yes
-ams 1 -width 150 -height 300 selections;
popupMenu -p selections -mm 1 -b 3 yePopTextMenu;
menuItem -l "select all" -c "yeGetAll";
menuItem -l "add to Maya shelf" -c "yeAddToShelf";
menuItem -l "add selected" -c "yeAddIt";
menuItem -l "delete" -c "yeDeleteIt";
menuItem -l "Clean the List" -c "yeCleanIt";
shelfTabLayout -image "smallTrash.xpm" -imageVisible 1 yeShelfTab;
shelfLayout "selection" ;
shelfLayout "pose" ;
frameLayout -width 500 -collapsable 1 -label "Functions";
rowColumnLayout -numberOfColumns 3 -columnWidth 1 150 -columnWidth 2 150 -columnWidth 3 150;
button -l "add selected" -w 150 -c "yeAddIt";
// 1
text -l "Name your selection group";
// 2
text -l "Name your pose";
// 3
button -l "delete" -c "yeDeleteIt";
// 4
textField groupName;
// 5
textField poseName;
// 6
button -l "Clean the List" -c "yeCleanIt";
// 7
button -bgc 99 99 02 -l"add selection " -c "yeSetSelection" ;
// 8
button -bgc 99 200 02 -l "add pose " -c "yeGetPose";
// 9
showWindow yeGUIWindow;
//set to large button
//Creat the shelf Folder in user shelf dir
string $yeTheDir = (`internalVar -userShelfDir`);
sysFile -makeDir ($yeTheDir + "yeShelfDir");
global proc yeClose()
string $result = `confirmDialog
-title "closing window"
-message "save buttons?"
-button "Yes" -button "No" `;
if ($result == "Yes")
deleteUI yeGUIWindow;
//large shelf Button
global proc goXL()
global string $gShelfTopLevel;
string $temp = $gShelfTopLevel;
$gShelfTopLevel = "yeGUIWindowyeFrameyeColumnyeRowColumnyeShelfTab" ;
setShelfStyle "iconOnly" "Large";
//optionVar -sv shelfItemStyle "iconOnly";
$gShelfTopLevel = $temp;
print ("goXL==>" + $gShelfTopLevel + "\n");
//Small Shelf Button
global proc goXS()
global string $gShelfTopLevel;
string $temp = $gShelfTopLevel;
$gShelfTopLevel = "yeGUIWindowyeFrameyeColumnyeRowColumnyeShelfTab" ;
setShelfStyle "iconOnly" "Small" ;
optionVar -sv shelfItemStyle "iconOnly";
$gShelfTopLevel = $temp;
print ("goXS==>" + $gShelfTopLevel + "\n");
//get selected items into textScorllList
global proc yeAddIt()
string $obj[] =`ls -sl`;
if ((size($obj)) == 0)
confirmDialog -t "ops!!!" -m "Please select an object..." -button "Ok...";
//error "please select an object" ;
for ($i=0;$i<(size($obj));$i++) textScrollList -edit -append $obj[$i] selections; } } global proc yeSelectItem() { select -cl; string $curObjs[] = `textScrollList -q -si selections`; for ($item in $curObjs) { select -add $curObjs; } } global proc yeDeleteIt() { string $curObjs[] = `textScrollList -q -si selections`; for ($item in $curObjs) { //delete $item; textScrollList -e -ri $item selections; } } global proc yeSetSelection() { global string $gShelfTopLevel; global string $buttons[]; string $selObj[]; string $tabName = `textField -q -text groupName`; $selObj = `textScrollList -q -ai selections`; //check item in the scrollList if((size($selObj))==0) { confirmDialog -t "<======check!!!" -m "Please make you selection list..." -button "Ok..."; return; //error "Please make your selection!!!"; } //check input of textfield if((size($tabName))==0) { confirmDialog -t "check!!!" -m "Please Name your Shelf Button..." -button "Ok..."; return; //error "Please Name your Shelf Button"; } //check is the naming is the same if (`shelfButton -exists ("yeSelButton_"+ $tabName)`) { confirmDialog -t "check!!!" -m "please give it another name..." -button "Ok..."; return; //error "please give it another name"; } else { //for each item in the list add to the $command string string $command=("//selection for: " + "yeSelButton_" +$tabName + "\n" + "select -cl ;\n"); for ($item in $selObj) { $command += ("select -add " + $item + ";\n" ); } //creat shelfButton shelfButton -label $tabName //-p ($gShelfTopLevel + "" + `tabLayout -q -selectTab $gShelfTopLevel`) -p ("yeGUIWindow" + "" +"yeFrame" + "" + "yeColumn" +"" + "yeRowColumn" +"" + "yeShelfTab" +""+ "selection") -imageOverlayLabel $tabName -image "commandButton.xpm" -command $command -vis yes //button name ("yeSelButton_"+ $tabName); print ("yeSelButton_" + $tabName); int $buttonNum = size($buttons); $buttons[$buttonNum] = ("yeSelButton_" + $tabName); //popupMenu -p ("yeSelButton_"+ $tabName); // menuItem -l "delete button" -c ("yeDeleButtom("+$buttonNum+")"); } string $thePage = `shelfTabLayout -q -st yeShelfTab`; if ($thePage != "selection") { confirmDialog -m "A button have been creat in \"selection\" page" -button "Ok..."; return; } yeSaveButton; yePopupMenuAddOn; } global proc yeDeleButtom(int $which) { global string $buttons[]; print ("Deleting item number: " + $which +"\n"); deleteUI -control $buttons[$which]; } global proc yeCleanIt() { textScrollList -edit -ra selections; } global proc yeGetPose() { string $poseName = `textField -q -text poseName`; string $thePage =`shelfTabLayout -q -st yeShelfTab`; //print $thePage; if ($thePage == "selection") { confirmDialog -t "check!!! Current page \"selection\"" -m " Please select a \"Pose\" Page... " -button "Ok..."; return; } if (size($poseName)==0) { confirmDialog -t "check!!!" -m "Please Name your Pose..." -button "Ok..."; return; //error "Please Name your Pose!!"; //Get selection } string $selected[] = `ls -sl`; if (size($selected) == 0) { confirmDialog -t "check!!!" -m "Nothing is selected..." -button "Ok..."; return; //error -sl on "Nothing is selected!!!"; } if (`shelfButton -exists ("yePoseButton_"+ $poseName)`) { confirmDialog -t "check!!!" -m "please give it another name..." -button "Ok..."; return; //error "please give it another name"; } string $command = ("//Pose: '" + $poseName + "'\n"); for ($item in $selected) { string $attrs[] = `listAttr -keyable $item`; for ($attr in $attrs) { float $value = `getAttr ($item + "." + $attr)`; $command += ("catch(`setAttr " + $item + "." + $attr + " " + $value + "`);\n"); //print $command; } } int $origImageFormat = `getAttr defaultRenderGlobals.imageFormat`; setAttr defaultRenderGlobals.imageFormat 20; string $iconsFolder = `internalVar -userBitmapsDir`; int $currentFrame = `currentTime -q`; string $editorName = `getPanel -withFocus`; string $origDisplayState = `modelEditor -q -stateString $editorName`; $origDisplayState = `substitute "$editorName*" $origDisplayState $editorName`; $origDisplayState = `substitute "$editorName*" $origDisplayState $editorName`; modelEditor -e -allObjects off $editorName; modelEditor -edit -nurbsSurfaces on -polymeshes on -subdivSurfaces on -grid off $editorName; //Take the snapshot playblast -showOrnaments off -frame $currentFrame -percent 100 -wh 64 64 -viewer off -format "image" -filename ($iconsFolder + " yePose_" + $poseName); eval $origDisplayState; setAttr defaultRenderGlobals.imageFormat $origImageFormat; //string $theTab =`tabLayout -q -selectTab yeShelfTab`; //print $theTab; //print(`shelfLayout -q -ca pose`); <==get all the self button in the shelf shelfButton -label $poseName //-p ($gShelfTopLevel + "" + `tabLayout -q -selectTab $gShelfTopLevel`) -p ("yeGUIWindow" + "" +"yeFrame" + "" + "yeColumn" +"" + "yeRowColumn" +"" + "yeShelfTab" +""+ $thePage) -imageOverlayLabel $poseName -image (" yePose_" + $poseName + ".0000.bmp") -command $command -vis yes //button name ("yePoseButton_"+ $poseName); yeSaveButton; yePopupMenuAddOn; } global proc yeSaveButton() { string $yeTopShelf = "yeGUIWindowyeFrameyeColumnyeRowColumnyeShelfTab"; string $theDir = (`internalVar -userShelfDir`); string $allTab[] =(`shelfTabLayout -q -ca yeShelfTab`); //print $allTab; for ($i=0; $i<(size($allTab)); $i++) { string $yeDirAll = ($theDir + "yeShelfDir" + "/shelf_" + $allTab[$i] ); //string $yeDirSelection = ($theDir + "yeShelfDir" + "/shelf_selection" ); //print ( "the dir=====>" + $yeDirAll + "\n");
string $yeAllShelf = ($yeTopShelf + $allTab[$i]);
//print ( "whole line " + $yeAllShelf + "\n");
saveShelf $yeAllShelf $yeDirAll;
//saveShelf yeGUIWindowyeFrameyeColumnyeRowColumnyeShelfTabselection $yeDirSelection;
print "files saved";
global proc yeLoadButton()
global string $gShelfTopLevel;
string $temp = $gShelfTopLevel;
$gShelfTopLevel = "yeGUIWindowyeFrameyeColumnyeRowColumnyeShelfTab";
string $theDir = (`internalVar -userShelfDir`);
string $yeDirMain = ($theDir +"yeShelfDir/shelf_");
string $allTab[] =(`shelfTabLayout -q -ca yeShelfTab`);
for ($i=0; $i<(size($allTab)); $i++) { $gShelfTopLevel = "yeGUIWindowyeFrameyeColumnyeRowColumnyeShelfTab"; $gShelfTopLevel = $gShelfTopLevel + $allTab[$i]; print ("$gShelfTopLevel===>" + $gShelfTopLevel +"\n");
string $yeDirAll = $yeDirMain + $allTab[$i] ;
print ("dir===>" + $yeDirAll + "\n") ;
string $selTab = "source \"" + $yeDirAll + "\";";
eval $selTab;
setParent $gShelfTopLevel;
string $shelfTab ="shelf_" + $allTab[$i];
eval $shelfTab ;
//string $yeDirPose = ($theDir + "yeShelfDir" + "/shelf_pose" );
//string $yeDirSelection = ($theDir + "yeShelfDir" + "/shelf_selection" );
//global string $gShelfTopLevel;
//string $temp = $gShelfTopLevel;
//$gShelfTopLevel = "yeGUIWindowyeFrameyeColumnyeRowColumnyeShelfTabselection";
string $selSelection = "source \""+ $yeDirSelection+ "\";";
eval $selSelection;
setParent $gShelfTopLevel;
eval shelf_selection;
$gShelfTopLevel = "yeGUIWindowyeFrameyeColumnyeRowColumnyeShelfTabpose";
string $selPose = "source \""+ $yeDirPose+ "\";";
eval $selPose;
setParent $gShelfTopLevel;
eval shelf_pose;
$gShelfTopLevel = $temp;
print ("old gshlef ===>" + $gShelfTopLevel +"\n");
global proc yePopupMenuAddOn()
//global string $gShelfTopLevel;
string $yeTopShelf = "yeGUIWindowyeFrameyeColumnyeRowColumnyeShelfTab";
//print $yeTopShelf;
if (`popupMenu -exists yePopupMenu`)
deleteUI yePopupMenu;
popupMenu -p $yeTopShelf -mm 1 -b 3 yePopupMenu;
menuItem -l "Save all Buttons" -c "yeSaveButton";
menuItem -l "Load Page Buttons" -c "yeLoadOne";
menuItem -l "add New Pose Page" -c "yeAddShelf";
menuItem -l "delete Page" -c "yeDelePage";
string $shelfTabs[] = `tabLayout -q -ca $yeTopShelf`;
for ($shelfTab in $shelfTabs)
string $shelfButtons[] = `shelfLayout -q -ca $shelfTab`;
for ($shelfButton in $shelfButtons)
if (`popupMenu -exists ("yePopupMenu " + $shelfButton)`)
deleteUI ("yePopupMenu " + $shelfButton);
popupMenu -p $shelfButton -mm 1 -b 3 ("yePopupMenu " + $shelfButton);
menuItem -l "Remane Button" -c ("yeRename " +$shelfButton);
menuItem -l "Delete Button" -c ("newyeDeleButton " + $shelfButton);
menuItem -l "Save all Buttons" -c "yeSaveButton";
menuItem -l "Load Page Buttons" -c "yeLoadOne";
global proc newyeDeleButton (string $shelfButton)
string $yeTopShelf = "yeGUIWindowyeFrameyeColumnyeRowColumnyeShelfTab";
string $shelfTab = `tabLayout -q -st $yeTopShelf`;
//print ("TOP1=====" + $shelfTabs + "\n");
if ($shelfTab == "pose")
string $icoDir = `internalVar -userBitmapsDir`;
//print $icoDir;
string $icoName = (`shelfButton -q -iol $shelfButton`);
print ("ICON=====>" + $icoName + "\n");
string $fileName = (" yePose_" + $icoName +".0000.bmp");
$fileName = $icoDir + $fileName;
//print $fileName;
sysFile -delete $fileName;
deleteUI $shelfButton;
global proc yeRename(string $shelfButton)
string $oldName = `shelfButton -q -iol $shelfButton`;
string $result =`promptDialog -t "Rename Button"
-text $oldName
-message "Enter the new Name"
-button "Ok" -button "Cancel"
-defaultButton "Ok" -cancelButton "Cancel"
-dismissString "Cancel"`;
if ($result == "Ok")
print "oooooooooooooooOKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK";
string $text = `promptDialog -query -text`;
shelfButton -e -iol $text $shelfButton;
print ("this is====>" + $shelfButton +"\n");
global proc yeShelfTabss()
string $theFile =(`internalVar -userScriptDir` + "yeTabb.ye");
int $fileID = `fopen $theFile "r"`;
string $yeShelfs =(`fread $fileID $yeShelfs`);
print ("$yeshelf=====>" + $yeShelfs + "\n");
string $yeTab[];
$numTokens = tokenize ($yeShelfs, $yeTab);
fclose $fileID;
print $yeTab;
for ($i=0; $i<(size($yeTab)); $i++) { setParent yeShelfTab; shelfLayout $yeTab[$i]; } goXL; } global proc yeAddToShelf() { global string $gShelfTopLevel; global string $buttons[]; string $selObj[]; string $tabName = `textField -q -text groupName`; $selObj = `textScrollList -q -ai selections`; //check item in the scrollList if((size($selObj))==0) { confirmDialog -t "<======check!!!" -m "Please make you selection list..." -button "Ok..."; return; //error "Please make your selection!!!"; } else { string $result =`promptDialog -t "shelf Button name" -message "enter the Name" -button "Ok" -button "Cancel" -defaultButton "Ok" -cancelButton "Cancel" -dismissString "Cancel"`; if ($result == "Ok") { string $text = `promptDialog -query -text`; //for each item in the list add to the $command string string $command=("//selection for: " + "yeToShelf_" +$text + "\n" + "select -cl ;\n"); for ($item in $selObj) { $command += ("select -add " + $item + ";\n" ); } //creat shelfButton shelfButton -label $tabName -p ($gShelfTopLevel + "" + `tabLayout -q -selectTab $gShelfTopLevel`) //-p ("yeGUIWindow" + "" +"yeFrame" + "" + "yeColumn" +"" + "yeRowColumn" +"" + "yeShelfTab" +""+ "selection") -imageOverlayLabel $text -image "commandButton.xpm" -command $command -vis yes //button name ("yeToShelf_"+ $text); } } } global proc yeGetAll() { string $allItem[] = ` textScrollList -q -ai selections`; for ($item in $allItem) { textScrollList -e -selectItem $item selections; } yeSelectItem; } global proc yeAddShelf() { setParent yeShelfTab; string $result =`promptDialog -t "New Page" -message "Page Name" -button "Ok" -button "Cancel" -defaultButton "Ok" -cancelButton "Cancel" -dismissString "Cancel"`; if ($result == "Ok") { string $text = `promptDialog -query -text`; shelfLayout $text; string $allTab[] =`shelfTabLayout -q -ca yeShelfTab`; //print $allTab; string $theFile =(`internalVar -userScriptDir` + "yeTabb.ye"); int $fileID = `fopen $theFile "w"`; //print ($theFile + "\n"); //print ($fileID + "\n"); string $yeShelfs; for ($i=0; $i<(size($allTab)); $i++) { $yeShelfs += ($allTab[$i] + " "); } //print ("$yeShelfs====>" + $yeShelfs +"\n");
fprint $fileID $yeShelfs ;
fclose $fileID;
global proc yeLoadOne()
string $thePage =`shelfTabLayout -q -st yeShelfTab`;
global string $gShelfTopLevel;
string $temp = $gShelfTopLevel;
string $theDir = (`internalVar -userShelfDir`);
string $yeDirMain = ($theDir +"yeShelfDir/shelf_");
$gShelfTopLevel = "yeGUIWindowyeFrameyeColumnyeRowColumnyeShelfTab";
$gShelfTopLevel = $gShelfTopLevel + $thePage;
print ("$gShelfTopLevel===>" + $gShelfTopLevel +"\n");
string $yeDirAll = $yeDirMain + $thePage ;
print ("dir===>" + $yeDirAll + "\n") ;
string $selTab = "source \"" + $yeDirAll + "\";";
eval $selTab;
setParent $gShelfTopLevel;
string $shelfTab ="shelf_" + $thePage;
eval $shelfTab ;
$gShelfTopLevel = $temp;
print ("LoadOne's $gShelfTopLevel===>" +$gShelfTopLevel + "\n");
global proc yeDelePage()
string $result = `confirmDialog
-message "Are you sure you want to delete the page?"
-button "Yes" -button "No" `;
if ($result == "Yes")
string $thePage = `shelfTabLayout -q -st yeShelfTab`;
string $yeShelfTopLevel = "yeGUIWindowyeFrameyeColumnyeRowColumnyeShelfTab";
deleteUI -layout ($yeShelfTopLevel + "" + $thePage);
string $fileName = (`internalVar -userBitmapsDir` + "yeShelfDir/" + "shelf_" + $thePage +".mel");
print $fileName;
sysFile -delete $fileName;
string $allTab[] =`shelfTabLayout -q -ca yeShelfTab`;
//print $allTab;
string $theFile =(`internalVar -userScriptDir` + "yeTabb.ye");
int $fileID = `fopen $theFile "w"`;
//print ($theFile + "\n");
//print ($fileID + "\n");
string $yeShelfs;
for ($i=0; $i<(size($allTab)); $i++) { $yeShelfs += ($allTab[$i] + " "); } //print ("$yeShelfs====>" + $yeShelfs +"\n");
fprint $fileID $yeShelfs ;
fclose $fileID;